Women's Retreat

March 7-9, 2025

Speaker: Jennifer Hoffman

Our spring women’s retreat, Tracing Gold: His Story, My Story, takes place at the beautiful Cacapon State Park Lodge near Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. Our retreats are always a wonderful way to meet and fellowship with other women in the church and community. 

This year we will be journeying through the entirety of the Bible as one, big redemptive story, looking for and tracing the “gold” of who God is, His stance towards us, and how that informs our story. The teaching will be engaging and applicable for any woman, whether you’ve been in the church your whole life or just curious about who Jesus is.


Contact the Retreat Team with any questions.


Women's Winter Bible Study

Saturday Morning Women’s Bible Study

The Bible study meets in Berryville on Saturday mornings at 10:00am beginning Feb. 1 (one week later than the other groups’ start date). Please contact Larissa for location information and to sign up!

Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study

The Bible study meets at Liz Green's home in Winchester on Wednesday mornings from 9:30am-11am.  Childcare is provided.  Please contact Liz with questions or to sign up!

Thursday Evening Women's Bible Study

The Bible study meets Thursday evenings at Jennifer Hoffman's home in Stephen's City.  The group meets for dinner at 6pm, the study is from 6:30-8:30pm.  Please contact Jennifer with questions or to sign up.

Women's Ministry

We believe we grow best in community and would love to help you connect with other women in our church who are seeking to love the Lord, love His people and follow Christ faithfully in our daily lives.

Questions?  Please contact Jordan Ware.

We'd love to hear from you!