Online Giving at Grace

We believe that giving of our first-fruits is an act of worship; a way that we can honor God with what He has given us.  Online giving at Grace Anglican is safe and easy. Click the button below to access our online giving portal.  In the portal you can register an account with us for the first time or login if you have already given to us online.  After the portal is open you can choose to make a one-time gift, start a recurring donation, modify the amount of your recurring gift, and more.  


If you are giving to the church an amount over $1000 at one time and don't wish to cover the processing fees, will you consider giving it to us in the form of a check?  This helps us avoid using some of your donation to cover the online fees and helps us better steward the generous giving of our parishioners.  


From the Financial Team at Grace

Thank you for your faithful stewardship and for worshiping with us today through your giving!

Access our online Giving portal - Click Here

Still have questions?  Need help with your online account?  

Please email Jennifer Hoffman and she will do her best to assist you.