Winchester Rescue Mission Orientation

As we seek out opportunities to serve those in need in our local community, we would like to highlight a few ministries already in-process, where anyone interested can begin serving right away.  One such ministry is Winchester Rescue Mission.  Some of you are familiar with this organization; they've been serving the homeless of Winchester since 1973.  It is a great place providing many needed services. There are opportunities to serve both as individuals and as groups (perhaps a small group or Dinner for 8 Group, for example).  Service opportunities include preparing and/or serving hot meals at the center and assisting with the "market" where people can shop for donated groceries, and so forth.  This particular organization does welcome volunteers age 16+, and all volunteers are asked to undergo a 1 hour orientation.

We would love to get enough people comfortable serving at the Mission that we could provide a monthly meal in the future. In an effort to make this as easy (and fun!) as possible, we have arranged for Sam Rogers to come here to our church on Feb. 16th and provide the orientation directly after the second service.   Light refreshments will be available, and Deb Dunn or Larissa Lisk would be happy to answer any questions you have about this.

Please prayerfully consider attending!


Serving the Vulnerable

Information & Prayer Meeting

Have you felt God’s love for the poor and vulnerable pull at your heart? Are you aware of needs in our community, or are aware of service opportunities to meet them?  We are excited Grace Anglican is developing a ministry to address needs, and we’d love to hear YOUR thoughts.

Please come and join us to discuss what the future of this ministry might look like, and most importantly, pray with us! This is not a commitment, but if you are interested in being part of this ministry, it is a great opportunity. 

Join us in the HS room on February 23 following the 11am service for a Serving the Vulnerable info meeting. Questions? Ask Larissa Lisk.